A Magical Summer

The start of my summer was pretty magical since I spent it in my favorite place, Walt Disney World. This was my first trip since 2019, and it also included reconnecting with one of my closest friends who’s also a teacher. Together we came up with some magical ideas for our classrooms this fall. AsContinue reading “A Magical Summer”

We’re Going on an Adventure!

I LOVE teaching Career Lit! If you’re not part of Cabell County you’re probably wondering what Career Lit is exactly. It’s pretty simple really, it teaches students various career areas through four different modules. In 7th grade students learn about journalism, business, tourism, and art/technology. Since I’ve had personal and professional experience in each ofContinue reading “We’re Going on an Adventure!”


Merry Christmas Eve Eve! It’s FINALLY Christmas break!!! It hasn’t fully sunk in yet, but the stress has definitely started to leave. I’m blogging right now so that I don’t let myself work on lesson plans. I’m weird and I LOVE making lesson plans that will engage my students and using the new lesson plannerContinue reading “Light”

Using Pixar Storytelling Rules to Create Content (PART 2)

Welcome to part 2 of using Pixar’s 22 Storytelling Rules to create content on social media! Rule #2: “You gotta keep in mind what’s interesting to you as an audience, not what’s fun to do as a writer. They can be very different.” Now, if you’re like me you’ve seen how the trend on socialContinue reading “Using Pixar Storytelling Rules to Create Content (PART 2)”

Comics and Creative Writing

Lately I’ve been looking into how I can implement comics into my ELA classes. I’ve learned that students may be overwhelmed by large novels, even if they’re on their level, but hand them a comic and they’ll read multiple in one sitting. Some educators may not think students can get much out these but IContinue reading “Comics and Creative Writing”

Self-Publishing Journey

It’s been just a little over a month since I self-published my first novel A Royal Mind (PURCHASE HERE) and I thought I had learned a lot from my mistakes after publishing my children’s books but boy I still have a lot to learn. Which shouldn’t surprise me because we can always keep learning andContinue reading “Self-Publishing Journey”

Valentines Day Is On the Way

Happy Friday everyone! I’ve gotten way behind on my blogs this week but I wanted to wrap up the week by sharing some AMAZING artwork for my book! Now, if you haven’t purchased my book you can click the link below! I highly recommend you purchase the paperback because there’s nothing like holding a bookContinue reading “Valentines Day Is On the Way”