A Magical Summer

The start of my summer was pretty magical since I spent it in my favorite place, Walt Disney World. This was my first trip since 2019, and it also included reconnecting with one of my closest friends who’s also a teacher. Together we came up with some magical ideas for our classrooms this fall. AsContinue reading “A Magical Summer”


Merry Christmas Eve Eve! It’s FINALLY Christmas break!!! It hasn’t fully sunk in yet, but the stress has definitely started to leave. I’m blogging right now so that I don’t let myself work on lesson plans. I’m weird and I LOVE making lesson plans that will engage my students and using the new lesson plannerContinue reading “Light”

Self-Publishing Journey

It’s been just a little over a month since I self-published my first novel A Royal Mind (PURCHASE HERE) and I thought I had learned a lot from my mistakes after publishing my children’s books but boy I still have a lot to learn. Which shouldn’t surprise me because we can always keep learning andContinue reading “Self-Publishing Journey”

Valentines Day Advent: Day 2

It’s the first of February! How time flies! It’s also day 2 of my Valentines Day Advent. Check the first blog post HERE. Day 2: Romances to Read if you like….. (links below) Before Midnight Once Upon a Prince (And the entire Rachel Hauk Royal Wedding Series) Fairest Go the Distance Weddings by Bella RedContinue reading “Valentines Day Advent: Day 2”

Road to Valentines Day

I’m not usually a big celebrator of Valentines Day but I thought it might be fun to share some of my favorite books and book accessories leading up to the holiday for those who needs gift ideas or are looking for books to read themed for the holiday. Let’s start today! Day 1: Disney ValentinesContinue reading “Road to Valentines Day”

My Dream Library

My dream is to one day have an entire room that is a library. I’ve seen so many Pinterest ideas of home libraries and I just want a job that I’d make enough to save up for it (or win the lottery, either option works). Here’s a little peak to what my ideal library wouldContinue reading “My Dream Library”


Today is the BIG DAY. I’m so excited to announce you can now buy my novel A Royal Mind through Barnes and Noble and Amazon. I’ve been so ready to share this book with everyone for a while now, but I waited till this day for a special reason. Today would have been my grandfather’sContinue reading “IT’S BOOK LAUNCH DAY!”